A technological
breakthrough by
coagulation experts

Stago is a reference for
blood-based diagnostics.
It is our mission to improve the health of as many people as possible, and as such we have chosen to expand our specialties and update our product offering.
Stago has expanded its range from our expertise in hemostasis to become a multi-specialist in hemostasis and hematology.
Our new “sthem” signature brand opens up a whole new world of next-generation Stago solutions.
Innovation at your fingertips!

Stago has been the preferred partner of coagulation professionals for over 60 years.
We have drawn on our wealth of experience to deliver sthemO, a new range of hemostasis instruments and hemostasis reagents to continue meeting your needs.

Stago has prioritized technological innovation through the development and integration of an increasing number of functionalities into its range of sthemO coagulation instruments to simplify life for you and your patients.
You are already familiar with the VBDS, we are now proud to present our Dual Technology.
Dual Technology.
An exclusive combination of simultaneous mechanical and optical measurements in a brand-new measuring cell.
And there is more...
The sthemO range includes the immuno-chemiluminescence technology, for a better analytical performance and wider range of tests*.
Our R&D teams have also developed a unique cuvette design compatible with all embedded technologies to deliver an ultra-efficient, easy-to-use system.
* Reagents under development
- Mechanical (VBDS)
- Optical
- Turbidimetric
- Immuno-chemiluminescence

sthemO will just keep on going,
load and unload as required while your analyzer continues its work.Its large on-board storage capacity frees up time:
optimum autonomy.The analyzer also optimizes cuvette management,
increasing the throughput of all test combinations.
All combined,
TAT reduced!

Intuitive system mastered
within 2 hours.
We know you like to keep things simple!
That's why our experts prioritized ergonomics during the development and validation phases, for a sthemO that’s both efficient and easy to use.
- Recognition of all sample tube types capped or uncapped!
- Brand-new software.
- Cuvettes and Beads:
ergonomic packaging to simplify cuvette loading. - Automatic stirring, managed by the analyzer.
- And more...
Accurate, precise, reproducible patient test results.
Dedicated sthemO reagents deliver a performance that will exceed your expectations.
The first analyzer in the new sthemO hemostasis range.
A high-throughput and fully-automated coagulation analyzer designed for medium to large laboratories can be integrated into automated tracks.
The right combination of

Rounding out this new range of sthemO analyzers.
A bench-top analyzer designed for smaller laboratories, guaranteeing the same efficiency and analytical performance as the sthemO 301.

Boost your sthemO solution with sthemE suite
From any computer in
the lab organization,
operate your Stago

Your organization is growing?

- The power of connectivity in full securitysthemE Connect you to the Stago digital ecosystem
- The eIQC program by StagosthemE Expert QC*, a robust IQC peer-comparison web based tool
* This product is already available under the name My Expert QC. - The External Quality Assessment by StagosthemE Qualiris, an ISO-17043 accredited EQA program

We have listened to your needs over the years and created this new range of analyzers based on your feedback.
We designed and developed sthemO 301 and 201 from the perspective of bringing you a true family of analyzers.
- Same analytical core:
a standardized analytical performance. - Same reagents and consumables:
less references to manage. - Same ergonomic software:
train once to master both.

This website is dedicated to the Healthcare professionals.
Conception Smart Agence - The information and pictures contained in this electronic support are protected under copyright : ©2022 DIAGNOSTICA STAGO, all rights reserved. Non-contractual photos. Last update: 2023.
The sthemO analyzers are quantitative automated hemostasis platforms for in vitro diagnostic use by clinical laboratories personnel. It is used together with dedicated sthemO reagents and controls.
The sthemE Manager is designed to manage data and information between one or several in vitro diagnostic analyzers and laboratory information systems. The system, composed of sthemE Manager and one or several analyzers, is handled by empowered laboratory personnel. sthemE Manager is not intended to be used with specific assays.
sthemA, sthemO and sthemE are trademarks of the Stago Group. The rights of the trademarks and logos used in this document belong to the Stago Group. The use of these trademarks is not permitted without permission from the Stago Group.
This document is Diagnostica Stago's sole property. Consequently, any disclosure, reproduction and/or copy to any third party is strictly forbidden, unless prior written approval given by Diagnostica Stago. No contractual photos. This document contains information on products which is targeted to a wide range of audiences and could contain product details or information otherwise not accessible or valid in your country.
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Last amended on: 10/27/22